As separate vertical compensation mechanics are unnecessary, Nector units are exceptionally compact and lightweight, resulting in foundation structures that are also small, light, and cost-effective. Ramp hoisting systems and structures can typically support these weights with minimal modifications.
Nector can establish and maintain a safe connection as long as the ferry can exchange its cargo. There are no tide restrictions, apart from those inherent to the ferry itself. The available linear and angular margins allow for deflections along and around all axes due to variations in water level and the vessel's floating condition.
The Nector plug does not mechanically lock into the socket when connected. Should the ferry unintentionally depart, the plug won't become stuck in the socket; instead, it will track along with the socket until the mechanical margin is reached. At that point, it will disconnect in an orderly fashion, facilitated by the hardwired two-stage safety interloop/pilot pin.
E-Vessel Ellen, the worlds largest and furthest ranging all-electric ferry at the time of her inception in 2019, relies on patented 3MAR connector technology.
Ærø, Denmark.
"A large and important step towards climate-neutrality."
Erik Froste, CEO
Public Ferries, Sweden